Effective: 09/01/2022


What’s Included

Item Price
Custom Landing Page and Order Process $0
Dedicated Program Manager $0
Shipping [To The Volunteer] $0

The Kits

*priced per kit (10% Bulk shipping disc. offered for 10 or more kits shipped to one location).

Item Price Price w/ Prepaid Return Label*
Kynd Kit Classic $25 $31
Kynd Kit Plus $45 $54
Kynd Kit Max $65 $78
Kynd Kit Skills $45 $54
Kynd Kit X (Classic Version) $16.25 *minimum order of 10
Kynd Kit X (Plus Version) $29.25 *minimum order of 10
Kynd Kit X (Max Version) $42.25 *minimum order of 10
Custom Kynd Kit Varies *Minimum purchase of 50 units

Return Labels

*priced per kit

Item Individual Kits Bulk Return X-Style Direct Distribution
Kynd Kit Classic $6 $3 $3 $1.50
Kynd Kit Plus $9 $4.50 $4.50 $2.25
Kynd Kit Max $13 $6.50 $6.50 $3.25
Kynd Kit Skills $9 $4.50 N/A N/A

*Bulk return labels are for any for any kit being returned with a quantity of 2 or more (50% off)


*priced per kit

Item Price
Custom Box Branding $1
Custom Half Page Kit Insert $1
Box Branding and Insert Combo $1
Translation of Materials Budget Dependent

Event Hosts

*priced per program

Virtual Host

Item Price
Less Than 100 Kits $100/hour
100+ Kits 1 Hosted Hour Included
500+ Kits 3 Hosted Hours Included
1000+ Kits 5 Hosted Hours Included

In-Person Host

Local Host [No Travel Required]

*In-Person Local Hosts Available in Denver

Item Price
First Host $150
Each Additional Host $100 per Host

Travel Host [Requires Flights]

Item Price
Per Host (One Host) $250 + Flight and Hotel
Per Host (Each Additional Host) $200 + Flight and Hotel

Travel Host Booking and Billing Policy

Kit Add Ons

Item Price
Gratitude Starters Game [Branded] $12
Gratitude Journal [Branded] $8
Gratitude Bundle [Game and Journal] $15
Pollinate Box [25 pollinate cards] $15

Kynd Kiosk

*One-time placement fee

Item Price
Kynd Kiosk Classic $100
Kynd Kiosk Plus $125
Kynd Kiosk Max $500

Kynd Bar

*Priced per event

Item Price
Kynd Bar Event $250

Estimated International Shipping

*We do not offer return labels for international shipments - we encourage volunteers to donate their kit locally.

<aside> 💡 To see what counties we can and cannot ship to please see our Kits and Countries list below:

Kits and Countries

Medtronic Kits and Countries


For estimated costs of international shipping, please use the rate chart below or contact your corporate manager